Every year, we celebrate World Vulture Awareness Day on the first Saturday of September. This year, the Wild CER students’ club had organized a guest lecture on “Vulture Conservation…Vet’s perspective” with Guest lecturer Dr. Bahar Baviskar, Wildlife veterinarian and President Wild-CER at Nagpur Veterinary College. Dr. Sanjay Banubakode (Head of Department Veterinary Anatomy, NVC, Nagpur) was the Guest of honor.
In this event, Dr. Baviskar shared his personal experience on working with vultures, what vulture conservation is all about and why it is important. He also highlighted the importance of vultures in the society and how necessary they are for the normal functioning of the ecosystem. The students were taught about the biochemical reactions that occur in the bodies of vultures which leads to their death. This was followed by a question answer session wherein Dr. Baviskar cleared all the doubts and queries of the fellow attendees.
The entire lecture was wholesome and very informative. All the participants were truly able to understand the need to conserve nature’s “clean up crew” and hopefully by spreading awareness we will be able to save these beautiful creatures from the brink of extinction.