Category: <span>Education</span>

Wildlife forensic training for frontline staff of Navegaon Nagzira Tiger Reserve

One day training workshop on “Capacity building of frontline staff for conservation of threatened species by conducting Wildlife Investigation through Forensic Techniques” for Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve (NNTR) was held on 22nd July 2021 at Sakoli. According to CCMB, the states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra are the states that collect …

Research presented at 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan.

Findings of the eight year research on ‘Man-animal conflict’ in Central India conducted by Wild-CER was presented during the 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan. The work on ‘Formulating strategies for handling negative interactions involving large cats in Central India’ was presented by Dr. Bahar Baviskar, Wildlife Veterinarian, Wild-CER …