Author: <span>Wild-CER</span>

Endangered Egyptian vulture rescued and released successfully

An Egyptian vulture was rescued from Manewada area of Nagpur, Maharashtra state. The bird was severely dehydrated, weak and was unable to stand on its own, when it was first observed. Therefore it was immediately transferred to Critical Care Unit of Wild-CER. Forest department personnel were informed about the rescue, …

Wild-CER is now conservation partner of ASAP, IUCN

We are delighted to announce that Wild-CER is now conservation partner of ASAP, IUCN. The IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) is an alliance of conservation organisations with the collective aim of focusing urgent conservation attention on the species most at risk of extinction in Southeast Asia. ASAP was formed …

Training on ‘Wildlife investigation through forensic techniques’ organized at Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra

Two training workshops on “Wildlife Investigation through Forensic Techniques”for frontline staff of Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra and Gondia Territorial division were organized on 12 – 13th June 2019 in Gondia district, Maharashtra. The training program was organized by Society for Wildlife Conservation, Education and Research (Wild-CER), hosted by Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger …

Research presented at 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan.

Findings of the eight year research on ‘Man-animal conflict’ in Central India conducted by Wild-CER was presented during the 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan. The work on ‘Formulating strategies for handling negative interactions involving large cats in Central India’ was presented by Dr. Bahar Baviskar, Wildlife Veterinarian, Wild-CER …

Training on Wildlife investigation through forensic techniques at Brahmapuri division, Chandrapur

With the objectives, educating front-line staff about the significance of wildlife forensic techniques and educate them about the practical implementation of these techniques during research related to wildlife, wildlife investigation and postmortem, two training programs in Brahmapuri division were organized jointly by Maharashtra Forest Department, Wild-CER and WTI. A study …

Cambridge University student visits Wild-CER for assessment of bird conservation network in India

A Research student of Cambridge, UK is conducting an assessment of IBCN partners in India. Miss Odacy Davis who is pursuing her M. Phil. in conservation leadership visited Nagpur and interacted with members of Wild –CER. She discussed various issues of conservation at international level and shared her experiences with …

President of Wild-CER bestowed with prestigious Wildlife Conservation Award

Dr. Bahar Baviskar, President, Wild-CER was awarded with the Wildlife Conservation Award  by Forest Minister Shri. Sudhir Mungantiwar in a function organized by Vanrai Foundation in Nagpur, Maharashtra for his services of treating orphan/injured wild animals and birds. Shri. Mungantiwar lauded valuable services rendered by Dr. Baviskar to animals and …

Hundreds of birds rescued from the destroyed heronary at Chandrapur, Maharashtra

Wild-CER treated hundreds of birds from the destroyed heronary In a heart rendering incident, villagers at Daheli in Chandrapur district, Maharashtra cut down 9 tamarind trees due to foul smelling of the droppings of the birds. Hundreds of nests of cattle egret, little egret, Intermediate egrets, open billed stork and …

Wildlife researcher at Wild-CER finds tick infestation in Mottled wood owl

A mottled wood owl (Strix ocellata) was rescued in February 2015 and brought to Critical Care Unit of Society for Wildlife Conservation, Education and Research (Wild-CER). Wild-CER is a Nagpur based conservation organization mainly involved in rescue and rehabilitation of the wild animals in Central India and works in collaboration …