Help us establish Rapid Response Unit in Central India

Help us establish Rapid Response Unit in Central India

Looking at the current scenario, Wild-CER is establishing well equipped Rapid Response Unit to conduct rescue operations, to deal man-animal conflict situations and other wildlife emergencies.

Our goal is to raise 1,00,00,000 INR for which we need your urgent generous financial help and support.

We trained 2800 frontline staff of the forest department, 1800 veterinarians and sensitized around 10000 citizens regarding conservation issues, so far. We have rescued and rehabilitated thousands of wild animals and birds which included around 17 species of mammals, 100 species of birds and 15 species of reptiles.

We must join hands together as your generous donation can be a difference between life and death. Donate generously to make a difference.

For Indian citizen: Donations to Wild-CER are eligible for exemption under section 80 G of Income Tax Act, 1961.