Tag: <span>Man-animal conflict</span>

Help us establish Rapid Response Unit in Central India

Looking at the current scenario, Wild-CER is establishing well equipped Rapid Response Unit to conduct rescue operations, to deal man-animal conflict situations and other wildlife emergencies. Our goal is to raise 1,00,00,000 INR for which we need your urgent generous financial help and support. We trained 2800 frontline staff of …

Dealing Man-animal conflict through innovative approach

WILD-CER is helping farmers embrace a new LED light barrier system to prevent crop depredation by wildlife in Manora village of Umred Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary. Background of the project: We conducted a baseline survey in which farmers’ crop losses were revealed due to wild animals. The survey was conducted in …

Research presented at 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan.

Findings of the eight year research on ‘Man-animal conflict’ in Central India conducted by Wild-CER was presented during the 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan. The work on ‘Formulating strategies for handling negative interactions involving large cats in Central India’ was presented by Dr. Bahar Baviskar, Wildlife Veterinarian, Wild-CER …