

Annual Reports

Audit Reports
Brochure of Wild-CER

Wild-CER in media and press
- Birds poaching rampant in rural areas
- Monitoring prog for common birds
- Wild-CER gears up to save birds during ‘Sankranti’
- Event to mark Endangered Species Day held at Gorewad
- Birds rescued from Chanda village released
- Arrival of Dr. Lish in India by VikramHarkare
- Dead Female Monkey at Seminary Hills, Nagpur
- Rehabilitation of week old Shikra on Wolrd Environment Day 5 June, 2012
- Animal helpline at Nagpurbirds
- Sankranti news in Times of India
- Tiger captive breeding – Story in Times of India
- Black Kite rescued by AmolKhante
- Cyclothon in Nagpur DainikBhaskar
- Shikra rescued at Western Coal Field Limited
- Shikra rescued at Western Coal field limited – Loksatta
- Old monkey rescued at Hudakeshwar in “The Hitavada”
- Wild-CER gets ready for treatment of injured birds during the Kite festival
- Captive breeding of Tigers – Speaks Dr. BaharBaviskar, Founder Director of Wild-CER
- Juvenile Shikra rescued and rehabilitated by Wild-CER
- Injured Hanuman langur is no more, in spite of efforts of Wild-CER
- Wild-CER provides Animal helpline for “Wild” in Nagpur
- Chittora R.K., A. S. Jadhav, N. C. Upreti, Galav Vikas and Bahar Baviskar (2021). Occurrence of Porocephalus crotali in lung tissue of an Indian rat snake (Ptyas mucosa): A case report. 9(1):1478-1480. pdf
- Chittora R.K., Sundaram A.S., Galav Vikas, Baviskar B., S., Arun Kumar and Vishnu D.V. (2020). Prevalence of ectoparasites in rescued snakes at Solapur district, Maharashtra. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 9(2), 180 – 188.
- Hushangabadkar P. D., M. S. Reddy and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2017). Himalayan Vultures Gyps himalayensis from Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra. Indian Birds 12(6), 176. pdf
- Hippargi R. V., P. M. Bolde, P. B. Baviskar, S. W. Kolte and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2016). First record of Choanotaenia sps. (Cestoda; Dilepididae) in the Great Indian Bustard Ardiotis nigriceps (Gruiformes; Otididae). Ela Journal of Forestry and Wildlife 5(2):206-210. pdf
- Baviskar B. S. and P. B. Baviskar (2015). A report of Hyalomma tick infestation in Mottled Wood owl Strix ocellata from Nagpur, Maharashtra. Ela Journal of Forestry and Wildlife 4(2):06-07. pdf
- Baviskar B. S. and A. G. Bhandarkar (2010). Tuberculosis in free ranging Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak). Zoo’s Print Journal. XXV (10): 25-26. pdf
- Baviskar Bahar, Kailas Ingle, Priya Gawande, Sachin Raut, Kirty Sirothia and Arun Bhandarkar (2009). First report on occurrence of Babesia infection in Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) from Central India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 1(3): 196. pdf
- Jadhav Pravin, Kapil Jadhav, Prashant Chavan, Bahar Baviskar and D. K. Maske (2010). Seasonal variation in prevalence of helminthic infection in the captive spotted deer at Nagpur. Zoo’s Print Magazine. XXV (5): 18-19. pdf
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, A. K. Jayraw, D. K. Maske and S. S. Raut (2009). A note on occurrence of Ehrlichia infection in Hanuman Langur (Semnopithecus entellus) from Nagpur, Maharashtra. Journal of Threatened Taxa 1(8): 444. pdf
- Harkare L. J., Bahar. S. Baviskar, P. J. Gawande, P. S. Bankar, S. V. Deshmukh, D. K. Maske and A. K. Jayraw (2007). Amblyomma tick infestation in a rat snake (Ptyas mucosa) from Chandrapur district of Maharashtra state. Zoo’s Print Journal. 22 (11): 2897-2898. pdf
- Harkare L. J., P. J. Gawande, Bahar. S. Baviskar, B. R. Latha, R. Hippargi, A. K. Jayraw and D. K. Maske (2007). Infestation of Aponomma gibsoni in monitor lizard (Varanus bengalensis) from Nagpur, Maharashtra. Zoo’s Print Journal. 22(11): 2898. pdf
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, D. K. Maske, A. K. Jayraw and A. G. Bhandarkar (2007). Occurrence of Haemaphysalis ticks in leopard (Panthera pardus) at Nagpur. Zoo’s Print Magazine 22(7): 22. pdf
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, D. K. Maske, A. K. Jayraw, S. S. Bawaskar and A. G. Bhandarkar (2007). Occurrence of Babesia infection in leopard (Panthera pardus) at Nagpur. Zoo’s Print Journal 22(6): 2736-2737. pdf
- Gawande P. J., Bahar. S. Baviskar, D. K. Maske, A. K. Jayraw and S. W. Kolte (2007). A note on occurrence of spirometra infection in leopard (Panthera pardus) from Nagpur region. Zoo’s Print Journal 22(6): 2737. pdf
- Shende V. H., D. K. Maske, A. K. Jayraw and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2007). Epidemiology of caprine gastrointestinal helminthic infection in central zone of Vidarbha region, Maharashtra state. Journal of Parasitic Diseases 31(2): 134-136. pdf
- Mainde U. P., B. A. Zade, N. C. Nandeshwar, R. S. Dalvi, S. S. Bodkhe and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2007). Aerodynamics of skeleton of Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) Skull. The Royal Veterinary Journal of India 3(2): 111-112.
- Mainde U. P., B. A. Zade, R. S. Dalvi, Bahar. S. Baviskar and N. C. Nandeshwar (2007). Naso-premaxillary notch as a marker for species identification in animals. Indian journal of Veterinary Anatomy 19(1): 95-99.
- Gawande Priya, Bahar Baviskar, Nikhil Umale, Anjali Gandhe, Pradyuamna Baviskar, Sunil Bawaskar and D. K. Maske (2007). Survey of Gastrointestinal Helminths in Captive Mammals and Birds at Maharajbagh Zoo, Nagpur. Journal of Threatened Taxa. pdf
Abstracts published in International conferences
- Bahar S. Baviskar, Priya B. Baviskar and Ajay B. Deshmukh (2019). Formulating strategies for handling negative interactions involving large cats in Central India. 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan. pp 35.
- B. Deshmukh, Arun A. Sha, B. S. Baviskar and P. B. Baviskar (2019). Situational adaptation of anesthetics dosage for various leopard rescue operations in human dominated landscape, Western Maharashtra, India – a decade review. 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan. pp29.
- B. Deshmukh, B. S. Baviskar and P. B. Baviskar (2019). Reunion of Rusty spotted cats (Prionailurus rubiginosus) from human dominated agricultural landscape in Western Maharashtra, India. 3rd Asian Wild Cat Conservation Workshop, Taiwan. pp51.
- B. S. Baviskar, P. B. Baviskar, A. B. Deshmukh and A. B. Shrivastava (2019). Capacity building of frontline staff of forest department for ‘Wildlife investigation through forensic techniques. International Conference on Advancements in Veterinary Sciences for wildlife conservation, Hyderabad. pp 102.
- B. Deshmukh, Arun A. Shah, B. S. Baviskar, P. B. Baviskar, Y. R. Khadpekar and V. D. Khose (2019). Optimising a cage design for leopards during wet-well rescue opearations in human dominated landscape. International Conference on Advancements in Veterinary Sciences for wildlife conservation, Hyderabad. pp 94.
- Baviskar B. S., P. B. Baviskar, M. Joshi and A. Pimpalapure (2017). Hand rearing of Indian Grey Hornbill (Ocyceros birostris) chicks at Wild-CER, Nagpur, Maharashtra. 7th International Hornbill Conference IHC 2017.
- Baviskar B. S. and P. B. Baviskar (2017). Rescue of Indian Grey Hornbill (Ocyceros birostris) from Nagpur, Maharashtra. 7th International Hornbill Conference IHC 2017.
- Baviskar B. S. (2014). Rescue and rehabilitation of Raptors in Nagpur. 8th ARRCN, Pune. pp 68.
- Baviskar B. S. and P. B. Baviskar (2014). Monitoring vulture population at Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra. 8th ARRCN, Pune. pp 72.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, P. S. Bankar and A. G. Bhandarkar (2009). Babesiosis: An emerging threat to wild animals. International conference on conserving nature in globalizing India, Banglore. pp 12.
- Baviskar B. S., M. S. Pradhan and P. S. Baviskar (2007). Transportation of two sloth bears (Melursus ursinus). Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 166.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, Swati Umap and A. G. Bhandarkar (2007). Pasteurellosis in wild Peacock (Pavo crystatus) in Nagpur: A report. Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 85.
- Bankar P. S., Pravin Wankhade, Bahar. S. Baviskar, P. J. Gawande and Dhananjay Nimkar (2007). A report on occurrence of Heterakis gallinae in faecal sample of Barn Owl (Tyto alba). Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 107.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, N. A. Umale and P. S. Baviskar (2007). A report on rescue and treatment of Hanuman langur (Semnopithecus entellus) in wild. Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 167.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, K. A. Sirothia (2007). Snake conservation in Central India – some observations. International Congress on “Advances in Zoo and Wild Animals Health and Management”, at Jammu. pp 261.
- Gawande P. J., Bahar. S. Baviskar, L. S. Harkare and K. A. Sirothia (2007). Ecological traits of the commercially exploited Monitor lizard (Varanus bengalensis) in Central India. Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 265.
- Harkare L. S., P. J. Gawande, Bahar. S. Baviskar and Latha John (2007). A Report – Occurrence of Aponomma gibsoni ticks on Monitor Lizard (Varanus bengalensis) in Nagpur region. Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 112.
- Gawande P. J., Bahar. S. Baviskar, S. W. Kolte, G. S. Khante and L. A. Khan (2007). Occurrence of Amblyomma ticks on rat snake (Ptyas mucosa) – A Report. Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 112.
- Gawande P. J., Bahar. S. Baviskar, S. S. Raut, Kailash Ingale and A. G. Bhandarkar (2007). Ehrlichia sp. infection in Hanuman Langur (Semnopithecus entellus) at Nagpur. Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 93.
- Khante G. S., M. S. Dhakate, A. M. Pawde, L. A. Khan, Bahar. S. Baviskar and P. J. Gawande (2007). Study of histomorphological changes in testes of captive deer (Axis axis) castrated by different methods. Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 177.
- Baviskar B. S. (2007). Rescue, ethological observations and rehabilitation of Black kite (Milvus migrans). Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 262.
- Poharkar G., S. W. Kolte, P. J. Gawande and B. S. Baviskar (2007). Caprological study of Indian White Backed Vultures (Gyps bengalensis). Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 105.
- Gawande P. J., Bahar. S. Baviskar, Nikhil Umale, S. S. Bawaskar and D. K. Maske (2007). Occurrence of helminth parasitic infection in Maharajbagh Zoo, Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India. Wildlife Conference, Jammu. pp 101.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, T. L. Katre, S. D. Narnaware, T. R. Gawande, K. A. Sirothia and A. R. Sirothia (2005). Some observations on diseases in geriatric dogs. International Congress of Canine Practice, Delhi. pp 23.
Abstracts published in national conferences
- Bahar S. Baviskar and Priya B. Baviskar (2018). Status survey of vulture restaurants in Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra. XIIth National congress on Wildlife health management, Pantnagar. Abstract selected.
- Bahar S. Baviskar and Ajay B. Deshmukh (2018). Management of man-animal conflict involving large carnivores – Vets perspective. XIIth National congress on Wildlife health management, Pantnagar. Abstract selected.
- Bahar S. Baviskar and Priya B. Baviskar (2018). Repair of damaged primary feathers using quick adhesives. XIIth National congress on Wildlife health management, Pantnagar. Abstract selected.
- Ajay B. Deshmukh, Arun A. Sha, Ilayaraja S and Bahar S. Baviskar (2018). An attempt to establish a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for complete physical examination of leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) cubs rescued in Maharashtra. XIIth National congress on Wildlife health management, Pantnagar. Abstract selected.
- Ajay B. Deshmukh, Kartick Satyanarayan, Geeta Seshamani, Arun A. Sha, Ilayaraja S. and Bahar S. Baviskar (2018). One of the best strategies to minimise Human – leopard conflict is to reunite rescued leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) cubs with mother– a success review. XIIth National congress on Wildlife health management, Pantnagar. Abstract selected.
- Bahar S. Baviskar (2017). FMD vaccination of cattle in core and buffer area of Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra. National Congress on Wildlife Health, Bareilly. pp 50.
- V. Hippargi, P. M. Bolde, P. B. Baviskar, B. S. Baviskar and S. W. Kolte (2017). Railliettina sps. (Cestoda; Davaineidae) in the Great Indian Bustard Ardeotis nigriceps. National Congress on Wildlife Health, Bareilly. pp 51.
- Bahar S. Baviskar (2017). Anti-rabies vaccination of dogs in and around Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra. National Congress on Wildlife Health, Bareilly. pp 69.
- Bahar S. Baviskar (2017). Treatment of tigress in Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra. National Congress on Wildlife Health, Bareilly. pp 128.
- Bahar S. Baviskar (2017). Monitoring vulture population in Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra. National Congress on Wildlife Health, Bareilly. pp 160.
- Bahar S. Baviskar and Priya B. Baviskar (2017). Rescue and rehabilitation of Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) from Nagpur, Maharashtra. National Congress on Wildlife Health, Bareilly. pp 186.
- Bahar S. Baviskar and Priya B. Baviskar (2017). Consequences of capturing problem monkeys (Semnopithecus entellus) and its translocation. National Congress on Wildlife Health, Bareilly. pp 187.
- Bahar S. Baviskar and M.S. Reddy (2017). Preparation for translocation of tigresses from Pench Tiger Reserve (PTR), Maharashtra to Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali. National Congress on Wildlife Health, Bareilly. pp 193.
- Marella V. T., P. B. Baviskar and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2016). Mallophaga of Black kite (Milvus migrans) from Nagpur, Maharashtra. XXV National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology, Chennai. pp 41.
- Patil S. P., P. B. Baviskar and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2016). Report on chewing lice of Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) found in Nagpur, Maharashtra. XXV National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology, Chennai. pp 260.
- Pajai D. D., P. B. Baviskar and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2016). Cuclotogaster infestation on Asian Openbill (Anastomus oscitans) from Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra. XXV National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology, Chennai. pp 261.
- Baviskar B. S., P. B. Baviskar and S. W. Kolte (2016). Tick infestation in Mottled wood owl (Strix ocellata) from Nagpur, Maharashtra. XXV National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology, Chennai. pp 262.
- Shendre S. H., P. B. Baviskar and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2016). Occurrence of Lipeurus in House crow (Corvus splendens) from Nagpur, Maharashtra. XXV National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology, Chennai. pp 262.
- Chavan S. N., P. B. Baviskar and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2016). Occurrence of Menopon in Rufous Treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) from Nagpur, Maharashtra. XXV National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology, Chennai. pp 263.
- Deshmukh A. B., A. A. Shah, P. S. Bankar, S. P. Patil, Bahar. S. Baviskar and U. P. Mainde (2015). Morphometric indices in Indian Leopard (Panthera pardus). XXIX Annual convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists. pp 149.
- Dalvi R. S., U. P. Mainde, B. S. Baviskar, P. J. Gawande, A. M. Solankar and Pawan Kumar (2015). Morphometric study of beaks of some wild birds (Kingfisher, Green bee-eater, Duck and Vulture). XXIX Annual convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists. pp 170.
- Baviskar B. S. and P. B. Baviskar (2014). Techniques of Rescue and rehabilitation of the birds. 27th Maharashtra Pakshimitra Sammelan, Nagpur.
- Baviskar P. B. and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2014). Care and management of rescued raptors. 27th Maharashtra Pakshimitra Sammelan, Nagpur.
- Baviskar B. S. and P. B. Baviskar (2013). Nylon kite string ….. New threat to the bird conservation. 3rd National conference on Environment & Biodiversity of India. No. 52.
- Baviskar B. S. and P. B. Baviskar (2013). Vulture Conservation- Current status. 26th Pakshimitra Sammelan, Amravati
- Baviskar P. B. and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2013). Rescue and rehabilitation of the injured birds. 26th Pakshimitra Sammelan, Amravati
- Baviskar B. S., K. Maske, A. K. Jayraw, P. D. Jumde and P. J. Gawande (2009). Immunization of cattle calves using salivary gland antigen of Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides. XIX NVVP, Ludhiana. pp117.
- Jumde P. D., D. K. Maske, P. J. Gawande, Bahar. S. Baviskar and A. K. Jayraw (2009). Studies on immune response to salivary gland antigen of Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides in rabbits. XIX NVVP, Ludhiana. pp 123.
- Gawande P. J., D. K. Maske, A. K. Jayraw, P. D. Jumde and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2009). Preparation of salivary gland antigen (SGA) of cattle tick Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides. XIX NVVP, Ludhiana. pp 123.
- Jayraw A. K., D. K. Maske, P. J. Gawande, Bahar. S. Baviskar and P. D. Jumde (2009). Studies on the characterization and purification of Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides salivary gland antigen. XIX NVVP, Ludhiana. pp 124.
- Gawande P. J., S. Baviskar, P. Jumde, D. K. Maske (2009). Clinical report on Haemobartonellosis in Dog at Nagpur Veterinary College Clinic, Nagpur. XX National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology, Hisar. pp 11.
- Baviskar Bahar, Shubha Deshmukh, Priya Gawande, Pradyumna Baviskar and A. G. Bhandarkar (2008). Polythene bezoar in a free living nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus). National Seminar on Advances in Management and diseases of wild animals. Banglore. pp 36.
- Gawande Priya, Bahar Baviskar, Pravin Bankar, Kailas Ingle and A. G. Bhandarkar (2008). Tuberculosis in a free ranging barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak). National Seminar on Advances in Management and diseases of wild animals. Banglore. pp 21.
- Jadhav Pravin, Kapil Jadhav, Prashant Chavan and Bahar Baviskar (2008). Seasonal variation in prevalence of helminthic infection in the captive spotted deer. National Seminar on Advances in Management and diseases of wild animals. Banglore. pp 20.
- Bankar P. S., S. D. Patil, Bahar. S. Baviskar and P. J. Gawande (2008). Print Media and Avian Issues. IPSACON, Anand, Gujrat. Sr. No. 280.
- Gawande P. J., Bahar.S. Baviskar, A. K. Jayraw, D. K. Maske, P. S. Baviskar and P. S. Bankar (2007). Amphistome and tick infection in Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) from Nagpur region. The XVIII National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology (NCVP), Jammu. pp 221.
- Chavhan P. B., N. S. Shende, A. K. Jayraw, Bahar. S. Baviskar and P. J. Gawande (2007). Epidemiology of nematode parasites of ruminants at Nagpur, Maharashtra. XVIII NCVP, Jammu. pp 238.
- Sonegaokar A. D., V. M. Gawali, P. B. Chavhan, A. K. Jayraw, P. J. Gawande and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2007). Incidence of parasitic infection in goats at Nagpur, M. S. XVIII NCVP, Jammu. pp 239.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, A. K. Jayraw, D. K. Maske and A. A. Shewalkar (2007). Occurrence of Carmyerius and Rhipicephalus infection in spotted deer (Axis axis) from Nagpur. XVIII NCVP, Jammu. pp 214.
- Jayraw A. K., D. K. Maske, P. J. Gawande and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2007). Assessment of humoral immune response against tick salivary gland antigen in rabbits. XVIII NCVP, Jammu. pp 194.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, A. K. Jayraw, D. K. Maske and A. G. Bhandarkar (2007). Mixed tick infestation of Rhipicephalus and Haemaphysalis in leopard (Panthera pardus) from Nagpur. XVIII NCVP, Jammu. pp 214.
- Gawande Priya, Bahar Baviskar, Anant Jayraw and D. K. Maske (2007). Incidence of parasitic infection in wild animals from Nagpur region, (M. S.). XVIII NCVP, Jammu. pp 240.
- Jayraw A. K., D. K. Maske, P. J. Gawande and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2007). Polypeptide profile of tick salivary gland antigen analyzed by Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. XVIII NCVP, Jammu. pp 225.
- Hingade S. S., Bahar. S. Baviskar, P. J. Gawande, A. K. Jayraw, D. K. Maske, A. A. Shewalkar and L. Bendale (2007). Helminthic infection in Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Nagpur (M.S.). XVIII NCVP, Jammu. pp 215.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, D. K. Maske, A. K. Jayraw and N. H. Fuke (2006). Occurrence of Haemaphysalis ticks in leopard (Panthera pardus) at Nagpur. The XVII National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology (NCVP), Pondicherry. pp 56.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, D. K. Maske and A. K. Jayraw (2006). Ehrlichia infection in Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) at Nagpur. The XVII NCVP, Pondicherry. pp 65.
- Gawande P. J., Bahar. S. Baviskar, A. K. Jayraw and D. K. Maske (2006). Ehrlichia sp. infection in Peacock (Pavo crystatus) at Nagpur: A report. The XVII National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology (NCVP) Pondicherry. pp 64.
- Baviskar B. S., P. J. Gawande, D. K. Maske and A. K. Jayraw (2006). Occurrence of Babesia infection in leopard (Panthera pardus) at Nagpur. The XVII NCVP, Pondicherry. pp 68.
- Gawande P. J., Bahar. S. Baviskar, D. K. Maske , A. K. Jayraw, S. W. Kolte and N. H. Fuke (2006). Occurrence of Spirometra tapeworms in leopard (Panthera pardus) at Nagpur. The XVII NCVP, Pondicherry. pp 66.
- Raghorte S. D., D. K. Maske, A. K. Jayraw and Bahar. S. Baviskar (2006). Haematological observations in cattle infested with Rhipicephalus ticks harboring Theileria annulata infection. The XVII NCVP, Pondicherry. pp 71.
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