Category: <span>Wild Rescue</span>

Help us establish Rapid Response Unit in Central India

Looking at the current scenario, Wild-CER is establishing well equipped Rapid Response Unit to conduct rescue operations, to deal man-animal conflict situations and other wildlife emergencies. Our goal is to raise 1,00,00,000 INR for which we need your urgent generous financial help and support. We trained 2800 frontline staff of …

Postmortem of leopard conducted at Ramtek Tahsil, Nagpur

Female leopard cub died of road accident on Mansar Jabalpur highway in Ramtek forest area of Nagpur district. The post mortem was conducted at Ramtek nursery in the presence of representatives of forest department, animal husbandary and NGO. Dr. Bahar Baviskar, President and wildlife veterinarian, Wild-CER facilitated the post mortem …

Workshop on “Vulture Conservation … Vets perspective”

Every year, we celebrate World Vulture Awareness Day on the first Saturday of September. This year, the Wild CER students’ club had organized a guest lecture on “Vulture Conservation…Vet’s perspective” with Guest lecturer Dr. Bahar Baviskar, Wildlife veterinarian and President Wild-CER at Nagpur Veterinary College. Dr. Sanjay Banubakode (Head of Department Veterinary Anatomy, …

Disaster Management Training with focus on wildlife rescue

Wildlife veterinarian and president of Wild-CER Dr. Bahar Baviskar trained around 90 village youth involved in the primary response team (PRT) to deal the emergencies involving wildlife. The training program was organized on 4th march 2023 by National Disaster Management Authority [NDMA] at Anandvan, Chandrapur, Maharashtra. The program focused on …

Well equipped Rapid Response Unit for Central India established by Wild-CER

PRESS RELEASE With increased urbanization and ever-increasing human population in India, there has been rapid decline in the forest cover which is resulting in frequent confrontations of wild animals with human being. Many a times we need to rescue the wild animals, provide veterinary support and release them back to …

Endangered Egyptian vulture rescued and released successfully

An Egyptian vulture was rescued from Manewada area of Nagpur, Maharashtra state. The bird was severely dehydrated, weak and was unable to stand on its own, when it was first observed. Therefore it was immediately transferred to Critical Care Unit of Wild-CER. Forest department personnel were informed about the rescue, …

Hundreds of birds rescued from the destroyed heronary at Chandrapur, Maharashtra

Wild-CER treated hundreds of birds from the destroyed heronary In a heart rendering incident, villagers at Daheli in Chandrapur district, Maharashtra cut down 9 tamarind trees due to foul smelling of the droppings of the birds. Hundreds of nests of cattle egret, little egret, Intermediate egrets, open billed stork and …